A Texas concrete batch plant was the setting of a tragic accident last week, where one worker lost an arm. The plant is being assembled to work alongside a loop construction project, creating a bypass near Hwy. 271.

According to the Daily Tribune:

Precise details remain sketchy at press time because of a lack of information forthcoming from both the project manager and construction company, but Titus County officials confirm a man lost his arm Thursday after an accident at a concrete batch plant which is being installed for the loop construction project.

Emergency responders were dispatched at approximately 11 a.m. Thursday to the plant, east of Hwy. 271 in the area where the bypass flyover is being constructed, to a report than a man’s arm had been mangled in a conveyor belt.

It took over two hours to extract the victim and then stabilize his medical condition for transport because of the extent of his injuries. Both County Judge Brian Lee and Precinct 2 Commissioner Mike Fields said the man lost his right shoulder as well as his right arm.

The construction site is in Titus County, near Dallas, but just as easily could have been at anyone of the construction sites near here. As a matter of fact, the general contractor, Williams Brothers Construction, is based in Houston.

The victim was transported to the hospital, where he was immediately taken into surgery. His condition was not available at the time of the report.

The loss of a limb is a particularly horrific accident, but more common than many people realize. When you work with heavy machinery or on dangerous work sites everyday, the risk is always present.

Fortunately for this victim and others like him, there are laws in place to help ensure justice.

About Kevin Krist, Personal Injury Attorney

A personal injury in Texas can change your life dramatically. Physical pain is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to accidents like this one. You may never be able to function as you once did once you lose a limb. Kevin Krist has helped numerous people get compensation for their losses in cases like this, and he may be able to help you.

You could be entitled to significant compensation for injuries like this. Your recovery could include money for your medical bills, future medical costs, money lost from your inability to work, and for your pain and suffering.

Contact Houston lawyer Kevin Krist today to discuss the details of your case and how he might be able to help. Call (281) 677-3962 now.