As we reported last week, a man was killed recently as he drove the wrong way on a frontage road off of I-45. Police cited many things as contributors to the accident, including driver fatigue or sleeping. Drowsy driving or falling asleep behind the wheel rarely ends well, though it is completely preventable.

According to the Galveston Daily News, 32-year-old Rutilio Alfonso Cortez was traveling north in his 1995 Civic on a southbound frontage road when a witness reported it to police. League City police began to respond, but didn’t get there in time. Cortez entered the freeway and collided head-on with a tractor trailer.

Cortez wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and died at the scene. Though it isn’t completely clear what caused him to drive the wrong way, officers listed fatigue as a potential contributing factor on their report.

So, how can you prevent drowsy driving accidents like this one from occurring? By getting plenty of sleep, staying off the roads if you can’t stay awake, and watching for drivers who may be nodding off themselves.

Falling asleep at the wheel frequently happens when drivers are on longer journeys, the scenery passes by and lulls them into a drowsy state. Even before your eyes shut, you are not at a heightened state of awareness and your reaction time is impacted. But, once you start nodding off, you become a serious danger to everyone on the road—including yourself.

If you are driving and you find yourself feeling sleepy, do something to wake up. Open the windows, turn on the air conditioning, or stop for a coffee or cold bottle of water. If your sleepiness is simply caused by a lack of sleep, pull over and rest for a while.

If you see someone who appears to be falling asleep, do your part to keep the roads safe and report them to law enforcement before it’s too late.

Houston Accident Attorney

A driver who is sleepy and causes an accident must be held responsible for his actions. If you are hurt in an accident with a drowsy driver, I may be able to help. As a Houston accident and personal injury lawyer, I’ve helped many people obtain compensation for the most serious of injuries.

Contact my offices today to discuss the details of your accident and the legal options available to you. Call 281-677-3967 today or fill out our online contact form.